For regular improvement of quality education, it is necessary to have a better action research which includes: planning, examining, sorting, implementing, monitoring, assessing, feedback and restructuring the module if needed. In higher education the system is regularly developed to keep pace with the modern trends aiming at producing good students and best citizens. To have best results, monitoring and remodeling the system should flow continuously to get best results.
Students’ satisfaction can be defined as a short-term attitude resulting from an evaluation of students’ educational experience, services and facilities. Earlier it was measured by common satisfaction frameworks but later higher education specify satisfaction models were developed.
A student survey allows students to voice their issues, needs, and desires, giving feedback on how a teacher can change his or her instruction to help them perform better in class. The survey aims to gather information on students, including their educational standard, their wishes for more quality education, the relevance of such syllabus to their employment, any further study aspirations, opinion on teachers’ preparedness in taking classes, doubt clear scope, laboratory & library facility etc.
The quality of the academic staff, facilities, syllabus, examination and valuation pattern, behaviour of the support staff, academic atmosphere, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities have been correlated significantly with student satisfaction levels.
Regularly conducting a Student Satisfaction Survey regarding ‘Teaching–Learning and Evaluation’, helps to upgrade the quality of education.
Earlier, we have been collecting hard copies of survey formats, which could not be possible during COVID-19 pandemic period for which such feedback is now collected online through Google Forms which helps in getting the statistics in a better way.
Quarterly data collected are assessed by the mentors under the supervision of the IQAC and reported to the Principal for necessary action. Students, parents and Governing Body are regularly contacted for implementation of a problem-free, congenial, result-oriented programme and to create a more effective academic set up in the college.
Students' Satisfaction Survey Reports