College Library

A college is an academic institution of higher learning that offers three-year degree programmes. The library is a prominent feature in colleges, and it is an important and integral part of the teaching-learning process. It is more than just a book store; it is an active workshop tool for the creation of new ideas. The goals of college education and college library is inextricably linked. The college library provides self-education opportunities to all deserving and enthusiastic students. These library instils a sense of responsibility in each student’s pursuit of knowledge. The college library encourages students to obtain, evaluate, and recognise knowledge, as well as familiarise themselves with knowledge trends for further education and learning new disciplines.

To meet the demand, we have an ILMS integrated library with e-Granthalaya (V. 3.0). The college also offers an e-library service to its faculty and students via INFLIBNET.

In addition to the central library, seminar libraries have been setup in every department for enhancement of in-depth knowledge of the students.


The college has an automated library system through e-Granthalaya which is a Digital Platform developed by National Informatics Centre, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India for Automation and Networking of Government & Semi-government Libraries.

The platoform provides a complete ICT solution for Library Computerization with integrated Library Management Software, Digital Library Module, Cloud hosting environment and a Library Portal (OPAC) with NICSI empaneled Roll-out Services and support. e-Granthalaya is useful to transform traditional libraries to e-Library with Digital Library Services and to provide various online member services using Single Window Access System.


Information and Library Network (INFLIBNET) Centre is an autonomous Inter-University Centre of the University Grants Commission (UGC) of India. It is a major National Programme initiated by the UGC in March 1991 with its Head Quarters at Gujarat University Campus, Ahmedabad. Initially started as a project under the IUCAA, it became an independent Inter-University Centre in June 1996. NFLIBNET is involved in modernizing university libraries in India and connecting them as well as information centres in the country through a nation-wide high speed data network using the state-of-art technologies for the optimum utilisation of information. INFLIBNET is set out to be a major player in promoting scholarly communication among academicians and researchers in India.

All faculty members and students have been provided with unique user ID & password for accessing NLIST site that offers 80,409 e-books and 3,828 e-journals in full text form.


  1. Only the staff member, students and other persons with the special permission of the Principal can use the Library.
  2. Before books are issued, the borrower must examine the condition of the books. For damages discovered later the borrower shall be held responsible. Any person damaging or loosing of book shall have to pay three times its full cost or replace it with similar volume, if the particular book belongs to any set or series and if it is not available single, the borrower will be required to pay the values of the full set. In case of rare books the Principal may charge any amount at his discretion.
  3. No marginal or other torn or detachment shall be made in the library books
  4. A borrower against whom any charge is outstanding shall not be allowed further to borrow books from the library.
  5. If the periodical issued is lost, the borrower has to replace the copy.
  6. The Principal has the right to stop issue of certain book to any one or all though ordinarily there will be no restriction on the books of the library.
  7. The student borrowers can keep the books of the library with them only for 15 days. Books kept over time will have to meet a fine of Re. 0.25 [Twenty-five Paisa] per day per book.
  8. Rare books, books of reference, courses of studies, question papers etc. should not be issued to anybody without written permission of the Prof, in-charge, library or the Principal as the case may be.
  9. The maximum number of books issued to different categories of borrower is as follows.
  10. Member of the teaching staff : 20
  11. Asst. and other class III :           07
  12. Class IV employees :                  03
  13. Student of degree class :           04
  14. Time allowed to the members of the Teaching Staff to keep the books other than text books with them is one month.
  15. Members of Teaching Staff who want to borrow text books belonging to other disciplines should obtain prior approval of the Principal.
  16. A person who uses the library is expected to know the above rules. Ignorance of library rules will not be accepted as an excuse for breach of any rule.

Lending Library / Book Bank:

  1. The Lending Library forms a part of the College Library and shall be in the custody of the Librarian, who looks after its safe up-keeping.
  2. The purpose of the lending library is to supply text books on long term basis to the poor and deserving students of the college.
  3. At the beginning of every session, the Principal/Prof, in-charge, Library shall call for applications prescribed for the purpose from poor and deserving students to borrow books from the lending library. Students have to apply in plain paper mentioning their name, class, Roll No, Annual income of parents, list of books intending to borrow.
  4. All students of the college are eligible to borrow books from the lending library on payment of 1/10 (one tenth) of the cost price of the book (maximum 3 books) for a full session. For part of a session the Principal may at his discretion fix any other rate.
  5. After receiving applications from the students, the Professor in-charge, Library with his associates and the Librarian shall scrutinize the applications and place before the Principal for final approval along with a list of books to be purchased.
  6. The intending borrower shall have to give an undertaking that:
  7. He/she shall pay one tenth of the cost of the book at the college counter.
  8. He/she shall use the book or books borrowed until he is sent up by the college to appear to the University examinations.
  9. He/she shall return the book borrowed to the College Library in good condition and take a receipt thereof.
  10. He/she shall compensate the college by paying three times the cost of the book/books prevailing at the time of return or replace the book with a similar volume, if the book borrowed by him is found to be torn, damaged or lost or disfigured or rendered useless in any way. In no case shall the amount paid by the borrower be returned to the borrower.

Type No. of Books
Text Books 15386
Reference Books 4126
Journals 12
Magazines 28