Minority cell of the college functions with the purpose of empowering the minority communities in the college. The basic purpose of the cell is to implement various projects and development programmes for the welfare of students from minority communities like Muslims, Christians, etc. and help them for their academic development.


  • To enhance equal opportunities for education of minorities.
  • To facilitates financial support to students from minority communities
  • To encourage them to enroll for career orientation programmes and hence empower and equip them with the necessary skills to choose a career options.
  • To aware the minority students regarding various scholarships programs of State and Central Governments.

The Minority Cell comprises of the following members:

Coordinator: Sri Usha Ranjan Das, Lecturer in Mathematics

1. S. Farid, Lecturer in Philosophy
2. Sri Tutu Dakua, Lecturer in Odia

If you think you are harassed or being harassed, You can inform the Principal in writing or can send an email to (help.pscpolasara@gmail.com).