Principal at his Desk

Message from Principal

Education dispels ignorance and, through its illuminating power, empowers individuals to think and act with righteousness. It enriches women by broadening their perspectives and elevates society, enabling individuals to earn a living with dignity and respect. This is the profound essence of my love for education.

It brings me immense joy and pride to acknowledge that Polasara Science College, Polasara, founded by the visionary Late Kanhu Charan Nayak – a dedicated social activist – has grown from a modest institution into one of great repute. His humble mission, set in motion a decade ago, has blossomed into a college with a rich legacy and a promising future.

In line with our vision and mission, we are committed to making every possible effort to enhance the academic landscape of Ganjam District and Odisha as a whole. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool for social transformation. The bright, successful careers of our thousands of students inspire us, as their achievements not only uplift their lives but also contribute to the betterment of society. We take great pride in being part of an institution that is playing a key role in shaping the future of modern India.

Polasara Science College, with its progressive and forward-thinking approach, is dedicated to continuous growth and excellence in all academic pursuits. We are driven by a deep sense of responsibility to meet the expectations of students, parents, and society. As a rural-based institution, we not only focus on providing quality higher education but also strive to mold better human beings who will become the torchbearers of the future.

Our college is deeply committed to the holistic development of each student. Through our “mentor system,” each class is guided by a team of dedicated teachers. We place great emphasis on behavioral discipline, moral integrity, and cognitive development. A range of continuous programs, such as Youth Welfare, NSS, Physical Education, Career Guidance, the Readers Forum, Red Cross Society, Red Ribbon Club, and Women Empowerment initiatives, ensures the comprehensive growth of our students. Our faculty, rich in expertise and resources, goes beyond academic teaching to impart essential life skills that contribute to students’ personal development.

I extend my heartfelt wishes for peace, prosperity, and success to all those who dedicate themselves to the noble cause of education, advancing its values, aims, and objectives for the betterment of society.

Rabindra Nath Palo